When I first read this article, the day it was posted, I tried to comment, but for some reason, I couldn't. All I wanna say Is Thank God! Now this news has time to perculate in my pea sized brain, yay I get to see you guys again!

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I am elated!

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Elated and thrilled!!!!!




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Very, very happy to hear this news.

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As a survivor of stage 4 cancer(my colon cancer metastases to the liver, they removed 1/4 of the colon and 1/3 of the liver. The liver, of course, regenerates with the help of a lot of protein), this resonates. I had six months of chemo complete with a chemo pack I took home with me, sleeping with it even working with it hidden behind a thick ski jacket. I managed to maintain a 20-30 hour workweek around my chemo appointment schedule, no mean feat. taking cordyceps mushroom extract with my chemo treatments helped with the side effects, which weren't too bad until the last couple of sessions, after which I experienced the worst nerve and circulation pain I ever felt. It's probably close to the pain of childbirth, ladies, if not past it. Any woman who's experienced both childbirth and chemo can let me know which is worse, otherwise I can only surmise. This was 2008-2009, I've been cancer free so far, though I do have my first doc appointment in four years in about ten days, hopefully it's good news. I have some arthritis in my right thumb and possibly my left knee, and I still have nerve pains in my hands and feet, along with circulation issues that are getting a little worse over time. Playing my keyboard and bass guitar definitely helps, whether I can have the stamina for a full-time band is another matter.

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This is beautiful news Chuck....(and to you too Stephanie)! Sending love, light, peace, and a big fat "whoopee"! Really, this made my day.

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That’s awesome!!!

Hope to see in February at the Turf Club!

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Never stopped sending you positive thoughts, Chuck. I cured you..... Love, To you and yours, Todd

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Congratulations Chuck...very happy for you, even if you aren't quite sure what to feel yet...great news!

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That's fantastic news, Chuck, though I get how you are feeling about it at the moment. Emotional rollercoaster for Stephie too, no doubt. Greatly looking forward to a UK tour and the prospect of new studio tracks, though the biggest news is your health. Take care.

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Congrats on your success vs the Big C AND heading to studio w/ new songs - can't wait!! Also, would like to put in a plug for you to make a tour stop in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area - I see you have a few days in between VA and FL shows- would be a nice pit stop! Just sayin.....

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We would love to see you come to Portugal.

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Such good news Chuck and Lord knows we need some! Looking forward to your return. Please try to squeeze in Boston somehow!?

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Something about that March solo gig in Tucson told me: This boy is going to chase the dark beast back to the bowels of hell. Well done. So very happy for you and your extended family(ies).


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FUCK yeah!

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I'm happy to hear that you're getting back to the old grind. I hope to see you somewhere down the line. Cheers!

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